In 2025, two “Osprey mornings” will be organised on the Sundays of June 15 and June 29, from dawn to 10 am. Volunteers will be stationed in the most likely Osprey fishing sites, mainly in the Three Lakes region but also at a few sites in the Drugeon, Doubs and Aar river basins. If you are interested and available in participating for one or both of them, please contact us with the date(s) when you are available and your possible preferences for observation sites. Everyone inscribed will be contacted a week before each date for the allocation of an observation point, to be determined based on the number of volunteers who have signed up. Many thanks for your participation in advance!
We can’t thank enough all the volunteer observers (and especially those who have participated several times) for their contributions to Osprey research and monitoring since 2021. Everyone who has participated in an Osprey Morning are thanked here (click on the date):
9 May, 2021 | 4 June, 2023 |
30 May, 2021 | 25 June, 2023 |
20 Jun, 2021 | 2 June, 2024 |
29 May, 2022 | 23 June, 2024 |
19 June, 2022 |
The Swiss Osprey project could not have taken place without the enthusiasm and energy of many volunteers. Between 2015-2020, 41 volunteers spent at least two weeks of their summer (a few even returned for several years) to take care of our young birds and to monitor them. This is not counting the many other supporters helping with other tasks, including project supervision; collecting, tagging and monitoring the young birds; maintaining and preparing the aviaries; building nest platforms, etc. Once again a big thank you, since without these dedicated Osprey teams, this project would never have happened. The Osprey teams for each of the release years are illustrated and thanked in the following links: