Osprey Team 2017

Monitoring during Osprey, summer of 2017.

  • Wendy Strahm, project coordinator.
  • Andreia Dias, Osprey expert and field assistant.
  • Amélie Bierna, Osprey warden.
  • The volunteers who spent at least two weeks with us during the summer of 2017 (Sandrine Bierna, Dominique Bourquin-Tièche, Sandra Hails, Denis Landenbergue, Bernard Monnier, Pascal Rapin, Christine Rast and Virginie Trieu), as well as those who also helped when needed (Gilbert Bavaud, Emile Curty, Reto Dürler, Christelle Mugny and Martin Schneider). Many thanks to all for all their support, and we hope to see them back in the future.
  • Michel Beaud, President of the Osprey Steering Group as well as among other things taking the lead in maintaining our aviaries (with Emile Curty, Flurin Desax and Pierre-André Baeriswyl).
  • Adrian Aebischer, Patrick Jacot and Pascal Schöpfer for their work behind the scenes, as always essential and much appreciated.
  • For the collection and transport of the young birds, Rune Aae and his family in Norway; Mario Firla, Holger Gabriel and Daniel Schmidt in Germany.
  • Claude Delley, Pierre Schär & family, and Henri Christinat & family, professional fishermen, for all the fish to feed our birds.

To see almost the entire team in action, click here.

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