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So much has been written on Ospreys that this list is far from exhaustive, but these are key references and links on which our project has been based.


We put this first as it is sort of the “Bible” on Ospreys:

Poole, A. (1989). Ospreys: A Natural and Unnatural History. Cambridge University Press, UK. 246 pp.

Other books that we have enjoyed reading:

Dennis R. (2008). A Life of Ospreys. Whittles Publishing, Caithness, Scotland. 210 pp.

Gessner, D. (2001). Return of the Osprey: a season of flight and wonder. Algonquin Books. 304 pp.

Mackrill, T. (2013 ). The Rutland Water Ospreys. Anglian Water and the Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust. Bloomsbury Publishing: London, New Delhi, New York and Sydney. 160 pp.

Books with useful information about the species in Europe

Bijleveld, M. (1974). Birds of prey in Europe. MacMillan Press, London, U.K. 263 pp.

BirdLife International (2004) Birds in the European Union: a status assessment. Wageningen, The Netherlands: BirdLife International.

Cramp, S. (ed.). (1980). Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Vol. II Hawks to Bustards. Oxford University Press, UK.

Géroudet, P. (1987). Les Oiseaux du Lac Léman. « Nos Oiseaux », Société romande pour l’étude et la protection des oiseaux. Filanosa, Nyon, Suisse.

Géroudet, P. (2000). Les Rapaces d’Europe: diurnes et nocturnes. Delachaux et Niestlé. Lausanne, Suisse.

Glütz von Blotzheim, U.N. (ed.). (1971). Falconiformes. In: Handbuch der Vögels Mitteleuropas. Tome 4. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main. Pandion haliaetus haliaetus (Linné 1758) pp. 29-58.

Hagemeijer, E.J.M. & Blair M.J. (eds.) (1997). The EBCC atlas of European breeding birds: their distribution and abundance. T. & A.D. Poyser, London.

Maumary, L., Vallotton, L., & Knaus, P. (2007). Les oiseaux de Suisse. Station ornithologique suisse, Sempach & Nos Oiseaux, Montmollin, Switzerland.

Historical references

Buffon, G.L. L. (1799).  Histoire Naturelle. Oiseaux (Tome 3). Didot, Paris.

Fatio, V. & Studer, Th. (1889). Catalogue des oiseaux de la Suisse : Rapaces diurnes. Vol. 1 avec 7 cartes. Département fédéral de l’industrie et de l’agriculture (division des forêts). Stämpfli & Cie., Berne et Genève.

Meisner, F. & Schinz, H.R. (1815). Vögel der Schweiz. Orell-Füsli, Zürich.

Stemmler, C. (1932). Der Fischadler. In: Die Adler der Schweiz. Grethlein & Co., Zürich and Leipzig. pp. 127-143.



Saurola, P. (1995). Finnish Ospreys Pandion haliaetus in 1971-1994. Vogelwelt 116: 199-204.

Saurola, P. (2005). Monitoring and conservation of Finnish Ospreys Pandion haliaetus in 1971-2005. In: Status of raptor populations in populations in eastern Fennoscandia. Proceedings of the Workshop, Kostomuksha, Karelia, Russia, November 8-10, 2005.


There is lots of information on Ospreys in France at Balbuzard-Info

Hirtz, M. (2009) [2008]. Nidification réussie du Balbuzard pêcheur en Moselle en 2009. Ciconia 32(3): 81-88.

Nadal, R. & Tariel, Y. (2008). 2nd Plan national de restauration Balbuzard Pêcheur. 2008 – 2012. Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux – BirdLife France. 66 pp.

Nadal, R., Wahl, R., Lesclaux, P., Tardivo, G. & Tariel, Y. (2012). Le statut du Balbuzard pêcheur Pandion haliaetus en France continentale. Ornithos 19(4) : 265-275.

Wahl, R. & Barbraud, C. (2005). Dynamique de population et conservation du balbuzard pêcheur Pandion haliaetus in région centre. Alauda (4): 365-373.


Meyburg, B-U, Manowsky, O. & Meyburg, C. (1996). The Osprey in Germany: Its Adaptation to Environments Altered by Man. In: D.M. Bird, D.E. Varland & J.J. Negro (eds.) Raptors in Human Landscapes. Academic Press, London. Pp. 125-135.

Müller, J., Schmid, L. & Schmidt, D. (2008). Die Rückkehr des Fischadlers Pandion haliaetus als Brutvogel nach Bayern. Ornith. Anz. 47: 105-115.

Schmidt, D. (1999). Untersuchungen zur Populationsbiologie und Habitatnutzung des Fschadlers Pandion haliaetus in Deutschland. ILN-Werkstattreihe 6: 1-100.

Schmidt, D. (2001). Die Bestandsentwicklung des Fischadlers Pandion haliaetus in Deutschland im ausgehenden 20. Jahrhundert. Vogelwelt 122: 117-128.

Schmidt, D., Herold, S., Lange, H. & Reusse, P. (2006). Zur Philopatrie des Fischadlers Pandion haliaetus in Deutschland – Zwischenergebnisse des Farbringprogramms 1995-2004. Populationsökologie Greifvogel- und Eulenarten 5:133-142.

Schmidt, D. (2010). Der Brutbestand des Fischadlers Pandion haliaetus in Deutschland im frühen 21. Jahrhundert. Charadrius 46: 10-17.


Monti, F., Dominici, J.M., Choquet, R., Duriez, O., Sammuri, G. & Sforzi, A. (2014). The Osprey reintroduction in Central Italy: dispersal, survival and first breeding data. Bird Study 61(4): 465-473.


Palma, L. (2001). The Osprey Pandion haliaetus on the Portuguese coast : past, present and recovery potential. Vogelwelt 122: 179-190.


The Fundación Migres works hard on conserving Ospreys in Spain. Keep up with them on their Facebook page Amigos del Águila pescadora

Muriel, R., Ferrer, M., Casado, E. & Schmidt, D. (2006). First breeding success of Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) in mainland Spain since 1981 using cross-fostering. J. Raptor Res. 40(4): 303-304.

Muriel, R., Ferrer, M., Casado, E. & Pérez Calabuig, C. (2010). First successful breeding of reintroduced Ospreys Pandion haliaetus in mainland Spain. Ardeola 57(1): 175-180.


Krummenacher, B., Weggler, M., Schmidt, D., Bollmann, K., Köchli, D. & Robin, K. (2009). Wie gross sind die Chancen für eine Wiederansiedlung des Fischadlers Pandion haliaetus in der Schweiz? Ornithol. Beob. 106(2): 165-178.

Strahm, W. & Landenbergue, D. (2013). La réintroduction du Balbuzard pêcheur Pandion haliaetus en Suisse romandeNos Oiseaux 60(3): 123-142.


Dennis, R. & Dixon, H. (2001). The experimental reintroduction of Ospreys Pandion haliaetus from Scotland to England. Vogelwelt 122: 147-154.

elsewhere in Europe and in the Mediterranean Basin

Monti, F. (2012). The Osprey, Pandion haliaetus, State of knowledge and conservation of the breeding population of the Mediterranean basin. Initiative PIM. 26 pp.

Schmidt-Rothmund, D., Dennis, R. & Saurola, P. (2014).  The Osprey in the Western Palearctic: Breeding Population Size and Trends in the Early 21st Century. J. of  Raptor Research 48(4): 375-386.

and finally in the USA

Martell, M.S., Englund, J.V. & Tordoff, H.B. (2002). An urban Osprey population established by translocation. J Raptor Res. 36(2): 91-96.

Rymon, L.M. (1989). The Restoration of Ospreys Pandion haliaetus to Breeding Status in Pennsylvania by Hacking (1980-1986). In: B.-U. Meyburg, & R.D. Chancellor (eds.) Raptors in the Modern World. World Working Group on Birds of Prey (WWGBP). Berlin, London & Paris. Pp. 359-362.

The Osprey in Switzerland