Participants 23 June, 2024

The Black-crowned Night Heron, a nocturnal heron seen very early during the Osprey morning at Lake Morat, Switzerland

Many thanks to all!

One of the first birds of the day was a Long-eared Owl (Asio otus), a first for an Osprey morning. Black-Crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax, see photo above by Claudine Waespe, in a classic dawn setting), were seen by at least five different groups. With perhaps the most unexpected observation being of an adult Night Heron carrying a branch in its beak—this species is notoriously difficult to find nesting. Five groups also had good views of Little Bittern (Ixobrychus minutus), and seven observed Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea). At least 103 bird species were reported altogether, a better score than in the Osprey morning of 2 June (undoubtedly due to the  better weather). Stoat, Eurasian Beaver and Red Fox were also seen. Great thanks once again to all the volunteers listed below who joined us for a very successful Osprey Morning.

Robin Allenbach Sylviane Johnson
Luis Arias Wam Kahumbu Dennler
Mathis Barras Tobias Kessler
Eliane Bärtschi Didier Kneubuehler
Gilbert Bavaud Denis Landenbergue
Michel Beaud André Maradan
Laurent Beschet Karin Maurer
Cyrielle Boudon Urs Meier
Dave Brooks Dominique Michelat
Ric Brown Julia Miéville
Christian Bulle Michelle Morrow
Solène Carboni Didier Pépin
Mateo Cerantola Cathy Poimboeuf
Samuel Cilloni Pascal Rapin
Georges Contejean Christine Rast
Anouk Favrod Bisetti Félix Rehsteiner
Renata Felber Marianne Schmutz
Charles Francey Robin Séchaud
Niels Friedrich Wendy Strahm
Didier Gobbo Mathias Valceschini
Philippe Grosvernier Claudine Waespe
Jonathan Guyet Sacha Zahnd
Jean-Luc Holweger Peter Zaugg
Lionel Humair Martin Zimmerli
Roberto Jaeggi Marièle Zufferey
Noël Jeannot

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The Osprey in Switzerland