Participants 2 June 2024

The Osprey Arthur F12 eating a fish in the rain at Hagneck, Switzerland

Many thanks to all!

Even if the weather wasn’t very helpful, the species list from this first morning was still very respectable. A few participants were lucky enough to have close encounters with wild boar and beaver, and about 90 species of birds were counted, including a surprising Velvet Scoter (Melanitta fusca) that may have been driven south by the storm. Each group will have undoubtedly a few nice memories from this very wet morning. Thanks again to all who participated, as well as to a few people who signed up to participate in neighbouring France or the Jura, but unfortunately had to give up due to the extreme weather conditions and lack of visibility.

Robin Allenbach François Laizé
Luis Arias Pierre Laizé
Mathis Barras Denis Landenbergue
Michel Beaud Claire Léchaire
Pierre Berlincourt André Maradan
Célia Bonvin Yvan Mathey
Dave Brooks Emeline Maulet
Ric Brown Dominique Michelat
Georges Contejean Julia Miéville
Chantal Favarger Michelle Morrow
Mathieu Fischer Marie-Pierre Nibbio
Xavier Fischer Cathy Poimboeuf
Jean-Loup Fuchs Gervais Pradervand
Cindy Galmiche Christine Rast
Gaspard Genton Félix Rehsteiner
Philippe Grosvernier Yann Schloeder
Mathias Herren Jean-Marc Schweizer
Petra Herren Robin Séchaud
Jean-Luc Holweger Wendy Strahm
Pascal Humbert Olivier Trible
Roberto Jaeggi Mathias Valceschini
Sylviane Johnson Res Wagner
Wam Kahumbu Dennler Sacha Zahnd
Élie Kernen Peter Zaugg
Didier Kneubuehler Martin Zimmerli
Christine Kursner Marièle Zufferey
Johnny Kursner

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The Osprey in Switzerland