Participants 19 June, 2022

Purple Heron Ardea purpurea by Urs Meier

Many thanks to all!

Our second Osprey morning involved a few less observers than that of May 29 (the dawn was a bit earlier and the holiday period was just starting), but a few more bird species were seen in total. Many participants photographed an impressive sunrise. Major bird surprises were a Spoonbill at Chevroux, two Oystercatchers circling between the Fanel and the Thielle on Lake Neuchâtel, as well as a Black Stork and two Whiskered Terns at Sugiez on Lake Morat. Other noticeable species included Honey Buzzard, Hobby, and Marsh Harrier; Night, Squacco and Purple Herons (photo above by Urs Meier); Great and Little Egret, Little Bittern, White Stork, and this time not one, but two Hoopoe. Mammals were not forgotten, with several Beavers, Fox, Hare, Roe Deer, Stoat and Wild Boar observed. Some reptiles were also recorded, including a Water Snake and (unfortunately) invasive Red-eared Slider at two sites. So even if not all participants were lucky enough to see an Osprey (keeping in mind that negative data for this species were as important as positive), everyone still had something nice to remember. Thanks again to all of the following participants, as well as to Martin Zimmerli and Maria-Thérèse and Ferdinand Schweingruber who, even if not participating officially, observed Osprey during the morning, and also to Enzo Bertolo, who saw one flying from Fanel towards the Chablais de Cudrefin in the evening!

Jérémy Angéloz Rolf Jordi
Daniel Aubin Wam Kahumbu Dennler
Pierre Berlincourt Didier Kneubuehler
Jean-Louis Berthoud Morgane Krieger 
Fabienne Bravo Jean-Emmanuel Lalive
Dave Brooks  Denis Landenbergue
Ric Brown Myrta Lang
Lorenzo Cavagliotti  Karin Maurer
Joël Chappuis Florian Meier
Emile Curty Urs Meier
Blaise Droz Dominique Michelat
Martial Farine Marie Pierre Nibbio
Pascal Fivaz Simon-Pierre Parrat
Charles Francey Didier Pépin
Niels Friedrich Romina Piffaretti
Didier Gobbo  Cathy Poimboeuf
Martine Guex-Meier Michel Rebetez
Benjamin Gygax Terence Rebetez
Alba Hendier Wendy Strahm
Mathias Herren Marguerite Trocmé
Petra Herren Baptiste Uriel Meyer
Jean-Luc Holweger Claudine Waespe
Roberto Jaeggi Peter Zaugg
Karin Jordi Marièle Zufferey

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