Many thanks to all!
Even if not everyone was lucky enough to see an Osprey, all the observers enjoyed the magical atmosphere of a dawn chorus and sent in some very nice observations. For example, a fox (which is not really supposed to like water) swimming to an island, a remarkable number of beavers, Golden Orioles (some even seen, not just heard), a Peregrine Falcon (in an unusual spot for the species at this time of the year), a Sparrowhawk, and several Marsh Harriers and Hobbies. Not forgetting fantastic views of Herons (Purple as well as Grey and one Squacco), Egrets (Great and Little), and also Little Bitterns, Night Herons and White Storks. Seven different warbler species were reported, and last but not least, one Hoopoe—briefly perching on a nest platform meant for the Osprey! About 100 species altogether were seen or heard. Thanks again to all the following participants:
Jérémy Angéloz | Ambre de Herde |
Daniel Aubin | Jean-Luc Holweger |
Eliane Bärtschi | Christelle Jaeggi |
Enzo Bertolo | Roberto Jaeggi |
Nadine Bitterli | Karin Jordi |
Anna Boila | Rolf Jordi |
Dave Brooks | Wam Kahumbu Dennler |
Ric Brown | Didier Kneubuehler |
Emmanuel Carino | Morgane Krieger |
Mirella Catella | Jean-Emmanuel Lalive |
Michel Cattin | Denis Landenbergue |
Lorenzo Cavagliotti | Karin Maurer |
Fabienne Challandes | Urs Meier |
Joël Chappuis | Serge Nussbaumer |
Christine Clivaz | Simon-Pierre Parrat |
Eddy Clivaz | Didier Pépin |
Emile Curty | Jean-Yves Pirot |
Carole Daenzer | Maija Purvina |
Pierre Daenzer | Pascal Rapin |
Marc Di Emidio | Patrick Reymond |
Martial Farine | Yonnah Rossier |
Pascal Fivaz | Jean-Claude Schouwey |
Charles Francey | Tom Schouwey |
Niels Friedrich | Carmen Sedonati |
Mickael Gael Comte | Wendy Strahm |
Didier Gobbo | Luc Villarejo |
Benjamin Gygax | Claudine Waespe |
Alba Hendier | Peter Zaugg |
Marièle Zufferey |