Mini-Osprey Morning

Auried Nature Reserve, Fribourg, Switzerland, a good fishing ground for Osprey

Many thanks to all!

For the first time, a special “mini-Osprey morning” was undertaken, to try to better understand the movements of the unringed female “Vicky“. This simultaneous watch (photo above taken at Auried Nature Reserve) took place on July 14 from 7am to around noon, and involved a total of 19 observers. Vicky was seen at one site from 08:34 – 09:55, and then at another some 5.5km away from 10:30-12:25. No contact between her and any of our 3 males (which were also observed during the mini-morning), was noticed. But soon after almost everyone packed their bags to go home, another observer (Marco Viglezio) saw TWO Osprey at Hagneck, at around 12:30. One of them was clearly Arthur (F12), but it was impossible to identify the other one. We only know that it wasn’t Vicky, as she was observed at about the same time almost 10km away. The most likely is that it was Racine (F29), as he has already visited Hagneck several times this year.

Many thanks to the observers who replied “present” on very short notice, as well as to another two who were making a waterfowl bird count at the Grande Cariçaie, where they were lucky to include an Osprey in their list! Even if, as usual, not everyone could see an Osprey, at least 75 other species were still counted, including uncommon ones such as Marsh Harrier, Purple Heron, Little Bittern and Night Heron, as well as a number of Red-backed Shrike.

Robin Allenbach Roberto Jaeggi
Mathis Barras Denis Landenbergue
Dave Brooks Karin Maurer
Michel Cattin Urs Meier
Mateo Cerantola Pascal Rapin
Emile Curty Wendy Strahm
Wam Kahumbu Dennler Claudine Waespe
Benjamin Gygax Peter Zaugg
Jean-Luc Holweger Martin Zimmerli
Marièle Zufferey

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The Osprey in Switzerland