Many thanks to all!
Many other species were seen, including one (photo) also reintroduced to Switzerland.
Ulrika Aaberg | Jean-Luc Holweger |
Gilbert Barras | Sven Henrioux |
Mathis Barras | Michel Jaussi |
Michel Beaud | Carole Jaussi |
Julie Bergoignan | Noël Jeannot |
Enzo Bertolo | Olivier Jean-Petit-Matile |
Thomas Bula | Soraya Krieg |
Emmanuel Carino | Johnny Kursner |
Nicolas Casalonga | Christine Kursner |
Mirella Catella | Denis Landenbergue |
Michel Cattin | André Maradan |
Nathaline Château-Basler | Andrew McMullin |
David Château-Basler | Bernard Monnier |
Carlo Colombo | Simon-Pierre Parrat |
Emile Curty | Jean-Yves Pirot |
Laurence Drogrey | Pascal Rapin |
Phillipe Drogrey | Patrice Salvi |
Blaise Droz | Robin Séchaud |
Jérémy Droz | Jean-Luc Simon |
Martial Farine | Sophie Singh |
Niels Friedrich | Wendy Strahm |
Didier Gobbo | Luc Villarejo |
Philippe Grovernier | Sacha Zahnd |
Philippa Halden | Peter Zaugg |
Thanks also for observations by the Basel Ornithological Society, on a field trip in the region the same day.