Fourth year project report

A report on the fourth year of reintroducing Osprey to Switzerland and the first returns (“Quatrième année de réintroduction du Balbuzard pêcheur Pandion haliaetus en Suisse et premiers retours“) appeared in the March 2019 edition of the journal Nos Oiseaux. While only in French, it outlines the main activities undertaken in 2018, starting with the construction of additional nest platforms, the translocation of 12 young birds from Germany and Norway, their care and release in the Three Lakes region of Switzerland, and finally their departure at the end of August to mid-September. The highlights of 2018 were the first returns in Europe of two immature birds released in 2016, with one spending a month over the summer at Bellechasse. Even more incredible was the discovery of his wintering site a few weeks after he migrated to West Africa. The article can be downloaded here.

We are now in the process of organising the volunteer team for 2019. If you are interested and available for two weeks sometime from the beginning of July to mid-September, please contact us.