Premiered in May 2023 on French-speaking Swiss television, The Return of the Osprey – a 52-minute film produced by Orca Production – was also well received by the public last October at the 21st Salamander Festival, as well as at the 39th International Ornithological Film Festival of Ménigoute .
It has now been nominated for the “Prix Tournesol” of the 2024 Green Film Festival, with screenings planned in fourteen locations in French-speaking Switzerland as well as one in Haute-Savoie and one in Alsace between March 2 and April 12 (showing times here). Most of them will be followed by discussions with the public, either by the director of the film Stephan Rytz, representatives of Nos Oiseaux, or other nature protection organisations.
As the Green Film Festival largely coincides with when the Osprey returns from migration, it can only bode well for the upcoming new season!