Category Archives: News

Heading South

Hagneck Nature Reserve, Bern, Switzerland

While it is never easy to know exactly when “our” Ospreys head south, thanks to some very avid observers we are pretty sure when they started their migration this year. Arthur (F12) at his usual territory in Hagneck (photo above) and Olympe (F28) in the Grande Cariçaie were last seen on 6 September, while the last observation of Racine (F29) was on 1 September. Vicky, the immature female that spent the summer in the Three Lakes region where she was visited at least once by each of our males, left earlier (as females tend to do). She was last seen on August 17.

As for our two known breeding females outside of Switzerland, Daniel Schmidt-Rothmund told us that the last photo-trap image of Chronos (ex-PS9) at her nest in Baden-Württemberg was on August 13, and of one of her three young on the 14th. A great surprise was then to discover that one of them (identified by its black ring code) was seen on August 24 in the Ebro Delta in Spain, over 1,100 km away south-west from its place of birth.

From Moselle, Dominique Lorentz reported that Mouche (PR4) was last observed near her nest on 30 August. We were then delighted to learn that Patrick Roux photographed her on September 6, on her way south, in the French Department of Côte-d’Or (Burgundy), about 240 km away from her territory. Both of her young had last been seen together on September 9 near the nest, before the final sighting of one of them on the 10th. With migration still underway and the wintering season coming soon, we of course hope to have more surprises in the next few months.

One Osprey can hide another

2 female osprey, Vicky and Cléo, in Switzerland 29 July 2024

In an area rarely visited by bird-watchers in the Three-Lakes region, an unringed immature female (baptised Vicky) was regularly observed from July 4 (although she was probably there earlier), and last seen on August 17. It seems that she left on migration around the middle of the month, but was so discreet that we don’t know exactly when.

A nice surprise was the visit, from July 29 to August 2, of another unringed female (this time an adult) in the same area. She had a distinctive plumage with a heavier collar and different underwing pattern (see photo above). While all three of our territorial males were observed visiting the area that these females were using, no display flight or other nuptial behaviour was noted – possibly due to Vicky still being immature.

Without being able to read a colour ring, or to compare each bird’s plumage from photos, it is very difficult to tell one Osprey from another. The challenge of recognizing local birds gets even greater when autumn migration is under way, with birds from elsewhere passing through Switzerland and sometimes stopping over for a few days.

To date our three males are still around: Arthur F12 (last seen in 2023 for sure on September 1, and possibly even until the 10th), Olympe F28 (last seen in 2023 on August 29), and Racine F29 (last seen in 2023 on September 5). All three are now getting ready to migrate soon!

A good month for ladies

An unringed female Osprey Vicky along the Aare River, Switzerland, 7 July 2024

While last month it was the males that made the news during the two Osprey mornings of 2 June and 23 June, July is now the time for females to be in the spotlight.

Both Mouche (PR4) in France, and Chronos (ex-PS9) in Germany, have again bred successfully. In the department of Moselle, Dominique Lorentz reports that Mouche and her partner AM06 fledged 2 young just before July 8, around the same time and on the same nest as last year. In the State of Baden-Württemberg, Daniel Schmidt-Rothmund tells us the 3 chicks of Chronos and her male (recently baptized Kepler) fledged a little before July 17, also around the same time and on the same platform as last year. With these 5 chicks produced in 2024 by two of our females (plus the 5 already fledged in 2023), we hope to see some interesting returns in the years to come!

In the Three-Lakes region in Switzerland, an unringed female (baptised Vicky after her prominent V-shaped collar which makes her easy to recognize) has been hanging about since at least July 4, when she was first photographed by Claudine Waespe and Urs Meier. She has been seen regularly ever since, and she may even have been around much earlier, as a reliable local inhabitant had already told us in May that he often sees one Osprey in the area, and at times two. To find out more what this female was up to, and see if she might be interacting with some of our males, a “mini-Osprey morning” was undertaken on July 14, thanks to the participation of 19 observers – a remarkable turn-out for a month when so many bird-watchers tend to be away on holiday. We know that Vicky has already met Racine (F29) at least once, and possibly also Arthur (F12). However, for the moment she seems to prefer keeping to herself. She is clearly single and likely still immature – the ideal kind of “profile” which could increase the chances of seeing her back in the region and looking for a mate next year.

This summer there have also been more observations than usual of “foreign” Osprey, particularly around the Three-Lakes region, and a few also in the vicinity of the Doubs River. The presence of reintroduced males might well have a positive influence in this respect, and obviously the more territorial males there are, the greater the chances that they will attract the attention of female “floaters”.

The first migrants are already starting to fly south across Switzerland, which makes it more difficult to tell the difference between Osprey summering in the region, and those which are just passing through. However, this is always a good time for surprises, so please continue to share or post on all observations, mentioning the time when you see one and, if possible, whether the bird is ringed or not. Summer is here at last!

Three males identified

Arthur F12 carrying a branch at Hagneck, Switzerland during the Osprey morning

Motivation was so high for this year’s second Osprey morning on 23 June that several of the 51 participants arrived before dawn. And the Osprey were soon to follow, with the first one (most probably Olympe) already fishing at the Grande Cariçaie at 05:23, then lost from sight before being spotted again with a fish at 06:00. At Hagneck Arthur had his breakfast even earlier, showing up calling in flight at 05:30 with a fish in his talons, which he promptly devoured, finishing at 06:06. A third Osprey (most probably Racine) was spotted at Fanel from 5:47, quietly perched most of the time on a dead tree until 8:27. He then flew north-east towards the Thielle canal where another team saw him, circling with a Black Kite from 8:34 to 8:40, before disappearing, apparently towards the Lake of Bienne. So already before 6:00, three different Osprey had been spotted, likely our three known males – although too far away to see or read their rings.

At Hagneck, Arthur was observed several times carrying branches (photo above) until 8:21, after which he disappeared, possibly behind the wooded island where we know he is trying to build a nest – for the third year in a row – on a fragile dead tree. Then just before the “official” end of the watch at 10:00, the surprise of the day was when two Osprey were seen from Lüscherz, circling together over Hagneck with at least one calling. One was clearly Arthur, and the other which then flew off towards Twann also had a blue ring, thus was most likely Racine.

One of the valuable results from this Osprey Morning is the confirmation that Olympe (who had been regularly seen bringing branches to two nest platforms built almost 2.5 km distance apart), is also building a new, natural nest nearly 2 kms further away. This means that his territory spans more than 5 km along the Grande Cariçaie. With a choice now of three possible nests with which to woo a passing female, it shows just how motivated Olympe is!

Other teams were posted at various spots along the Doubs River (difficult to survey due to relief and its many meanders) and in the Drugeon basin, both places where Flamme (which had lost his blue ring) was seen in past years. However, no Osprey were spotted there on 23 June, despite one (possibly ringed) being seen from June 11-12. So the question of whether Flamme has returned this year remains open.

Many thanks once again to the wonderful team who got up very early to take part in the 23 June survey. Whether they saw an Osprey or not, all of their observations were very useful, and we still have the rest of the summer to perhaps clarify some other mysteries.

One wet morning

For the first time ever, we had some truly terrible weather for this year’s first Osprey morning on June 2, with most of the 53 volunteer observers making superhuman efforts and getting very wet in the process. But despite the adverse conditions, we still collected valuable data on at least three of our known males in the Three-Lakes region. However there were no observations in the Doubs and Drugeon basins in nearby France nor in the Swiss Jura, the weather there being even worse than in the plain.

As almost always, Arthur (F12) at Hagneck did not disappoint. An Osprey (most probably him) was spotted there three times between 6:15 and 6:50, although too far away to see rings. But just when the observers moved to a better viewpoint, he of course disappeared! Finally at 8:15 Arthur (this time his ring was read) appeared with a big fish, which he ate before preening until well after the “official” end of the Osprey morning at 10 am.

In the Grande Cariçaie where Olympe (F28) has his territory, an Osprey was first seen at 5:38, flying with a small fish in his talons over a large area and showing off to several teams of observers before disappearing inland at 06:08. Then around 07:30 one (presumably the same bird) was spotted again, first perching and then catching a huge fish. Which he then took a long time to eat and digest, before preening until well after 11:30, when the last tenacious observer packed his bags to go home. Although the blue ring on his right leg could not be read, it was almost certainly Olympe.

Racine (F29) was spotted at Bellechasse from 06:00-06:43, preening but with no fish, possibly having already eaten his breakfast somewhere else. He was then not seen again until 10:02 – maybe he had remained hidden in a tree under the pouring rain? In any case he didn’t show up at the Fanel Nature Reserve (one of his favorite fishing sites), nor at the Lake of Morat or on the Aare River by Niederried where he is also known to fish at times.

Great thanks go to an amazingly dedicated team (see some of them that shared sodden souvenirs of the morning above). We may have other surprises (and almost certainly better weather) for the next Osprey Morning scheduled for Sunday June 23. If you are ready to get up before dawn, and help (until 10am) clarify known Osprey territories and maybe even discover new ones, please do not hesitate to contact us here!

Floaters and chicks

GG07 German Osprey in Lobsigensee, Switzerland by Sibylle Zwygart

A number of “foreign” Ospreys have been seen in Switzerland this month, most likely immatures returning for the first or second time to Europe,  some of them females. Such birds are not yet territorial and could potentially pair with one of our single males (which already occurred last spring for two weeks).

At least three of these “floaters” were ringed in Germany. From the codes that were able to be read, two are 2-year-olds (see photo above of one of them by Sibylle Zwygart), probably on their first migration back from Africa, and the other is a 3-year-old. The 2-year-olds were born in the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (808 and 858 km away), and the 3 year-old in Sachsen (at 670 km). Many thanks to the Hiddensee ringing centre for sending this information so rapidly.

In the meantime our males continue to display and carry branches to recharge platforms or build a nest, one of them being seen flying with one of these “unsettled” females. While we have not yet found a breeding pair in Switzerland, there is still time – until August – for a pair to form.

Concerning our females, they remain ahead of our males. Dominique Lorentz told us on 14 May that Mouche (PR4) and her partner were feeding at least two small chicks on the same nest as in the last few years in Moselle (France). And Daniel Schmidt-Rothmund has just announced that Chronos (ex-PS9) and her male have hatched probably three chicks at their nesting platform in Baden-Wurttemberg (Germany).

Females more efficient (what’s new)?

Racine (F29), a reintroduced Osprey fishing in the Fanel Nature Reserve in Switzerland

After the early arrivals of Arthur (F12) and Olympe (F28) in March, Racine (F29) was first confirmed back on April 5. All three males are holding territories in Switzerland, busily transporting nest material and searching the sky for a passing female. Racine (photo above) is regularly observed fishing in the Fanel Nature Reserve, where Olympe can also be seen at times. Following a well-established tradition, Arthur can easily be admired at Hagneck- always a pleasure for bird watchers and photographers alike.

It is not easy to identify one Osprey from another, especially during the migration period like the one we are in now. So to help with our monitoring, many thanks in advance if you could note the time when each observation is made, and whenever possible if the  bird is ringed or not.

While our males are still single, our females Mouche (PR4) in France, and Chronos (ex-PS9) in Germany, are both on eggs. In Moselle, Dominique Lorentz tells us that Mouche started incubating from at least April 7. From Baden-Württemberg, Daniel Schmidt-Rothmund sent us the first camera-trap photo of Chronos incubating on April 10. With Osprey incubation periods lasting around 36-42 days, if all goes well we can look forward to some good news from mid-May onwards.

Two more platforms

Quentin Schlisteur, Nicolas Salvi, Christian Grand and Paco Grand building an Osprey platform in the Drugeon River basin in France

Two new platforms have been built in the Drugeon River basin, on the French side of the border in the Department of the Doubs. Even if the ultimate goal of the Nos Oiseaux project is to have Osprey breeding again in Switzerland, these birds know no borders (as demonstrated by our two females Mouche and Chronos). Last summer two Osprey were observed in the Drugeon River basin: one male, very likely Flamme, and an unringed female. This is why we have just built two new platforms there, at the top of some beautiful Silver Firs (Abies alba). Christian and Pascal Grand, experienced climbers and nest builders, came along to help on a glorious and unseasonably warm day.

Our great thanks go to them, who trained local climbers Nicolas Salvi and Quentin Schlisteur in the art of Osprey platform-building (photo above). All did a wonderful job, volunteering as always their time and expertise. It certainly helps that both Christian and Nicolas have their own carpentry business, so don’t hesitate to contact them should you need work done around Fribourg in Switzerland or Pontarlier in France. Thanks also to the ground crew that included Laurent Beschet, Christian Bulle, Christian Grand (frustrated that he couldn’t climb as he’s still recovering from an accident), Valérie Grand, Denis Landenbergue, Dominique Michelat, Didier Pépin and Wendy Strahm – not to forget all their contributions to a memorable picnic lunch.

Participants lunch after building first Osprey Platform in the Drugeon on April 6, 2024

March arrivals

Ospreys Mouche (PR4) and AM06 in Moselle in March by Dominique Lorentz

This year’s Osprey season has started early! News from our first returnee, Mouche (PR4), came from Moselle in France, where Dominique Lorentz saw her back on March 20, four days after her male (AM06). The dates are nearly the same as last year, when the male arrived on March 17 and Mouche the day after. The pair immediately set up house-keeping at their nest (photo above), and we can only wish them another good season, after successfully raising 2 young in 2021 and in 2022, then three in 2023.

Daniel Schmidt-Rothmund sent us the good news that Chronos (ex-PS9) returned to her nest in Baden-Wurttemberg on 29 March, four days later than her male AE83. Last year the pair were first recorded by the LPO-Alsace on March 29 on the French side of the Rhine, before crossing over the river to nest on a platform on the German side where they successfully raised 2 young. Despite being a leap year with one extra day in 2024, some of “our” Osprey certainly know how to keep time!

In Switzerland Saturday 23 March was a big day, with Arthur (F12) first seen by Fabien Grossenbacher at Hagneck. There he holds a territory for the fifth year, competing again for his platform with a pair of Yellow-legged Gulls, and still hoping to meet – and keep – a passing female. Olympe (F28) apparently arrived on the same day to the Grande Cariçaie, where he still seems to be quite mobile early in the season, being recorded at least twice (on March 26 and 31) on fishing excursions in the Fanel. Both these arrivals were a bit earlier than last year, when Arthur was first seen on March 25, and Olympe on April 1.

No news yet from Flamme (ex-KF6) in the Drugeon basin in nearby France, nor from Racine (F29) in the Three-Lakes region. In 2023 both were first spotted around mid-April, so keep your eyes to the skies… . And please don’t forget to mark the time of any Osprey sighting, and whenever possible, note whether they are ringed or not!


2023 Project Report

Olympe F28 and unringed female mating on Osprey platform Lake of Neuchâtel, Switzerland

The 2023 Osprey Project report has been published in the March 2024 edition of the journal Nos Oiseaux.  While only in French, this report outlines the highlights of last year. At least three males from the Swiss reintroduction project were confirmed back in the Three Lakes region in 2023, and a very likely fourth in the French department of Doubs. Two females released in Bellechasse bred successfully, one producing three young in France (Moselle), and the other two in Germany (Baden-Württemberg). The discovery of Chronos in Germany brings the total number of returnees from the reintroduction programme up to 11.

Two unringed females were observed in male-occupied territories in 2023: one for two weeks in the spring at the Grande Cariçaie (Lake Neuchâtel), where she paired with Olympe (F28) on a platform built by the project (see photo above); the other during the summer in the Drugeon river basin (Haut-Doubs).

As in previous years, two “Osprey Mornings” were organised in 2023. In view of their success, two are scheduled again this year, on Sunday June 2 and 23. Observation points will be mainly in the Three Lakes region, but also in the Drugeon, Doubs and Aare river basins. Anyone  interested in participating in one or both of these mornings can sign up here, or directly to

The 2023 report can be downloaded here.